Thursday, February 17, 2011



And here we sit, teary-eyed, light-headed, and heavy-hearted. It seems we've survived yet another cyclone; at least, our room has. It's inundated with socks and undies and toiletries and shirts and dress shirts and sneakers and shorts...You get the idea. Torrential packing, friends. It looks like our wardrobe's vomited all over the carpet.

And what's left to do now, with two days left?

In short, everything. Because our room continues to give birth to more and more hidden junk. It crops up everywhere, demanding we find it a good home. And we need to cancel the internet plan. And dispose of the 70,000-strong army of used tissues, bunkered under the couch (which, I'm proud to announce, has left the premises). Then we have to squeeze in time to pathetically weep on each other's shoulders. And o, how grateful I am that there are two of us, not least because this exercise would prove physically difficult alone.

And we don't know how it's all crept up on us so rudely, and our applications to extend the number of hours in the day have been repeatedly rejected. And, and, and, and...

We must hurry--Saturday is the day of our EXODUS!

-Nancy Howie

Creative Commons License
The Quest Quotient by Nancy Howie and Steff Werman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at

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